A Frosty Fix.

Throughout his crimefighting career, The Batman has faced many dangerous foes, such as the Joker, the Riddler and the Catwoman. He's even faced some not-so-dangerous villains, such as Mr. Freeze (a name to remember), Clock King and some guy who thought he was Robin Hood. However, the second half of this list pales in comparison to The Penguin. He's a crafty fellow with a penchant for using penguins in his crimes. He may not be the most discreet villain, considering that all his crimes involve birds, but he makes up for it with his style and great lines. First of all, anyone who arms themselves with a series of modified umbrellas must either be very cool, or extremely paranoid about rain. Considering the fine threads he wears, I suspect it's a combination of both those reasons. As for lines, the Penguin has been known to give his opponents "the cold shoulder" and leave them in a "frosty fix". Coupled with his cackle and his often heavily-armed penguins, it's clear the Penguin is a criminal to fear.

All that said, this quote isn't really about The Penguin. That was just a large tangent. In fact, it's more about penguins in general. For a time, scientists feared that penguins might actually be in a real frosty fix. They were worried by the increased volume of flights over the Antarctic, where many penguins reside. A few observations noted that as planes flew over the penguins, these animals would bend their heads backwards in order to watch the flight pass overhead. In fact, some had seen the penguins bend over so much that they would fall over backwards. Scientists were worried that these penguins would not be able to get up. One can just imagine a plane passing over the frozen continent with penguins toppling left and right along its paths. Fearing this could endanger the penguin population, scientists decided to study this phenomenon. Probably by flying more planes over the penguins and watching the resulting tumbles. Whatever their research methods were, scientists eventually concluded that penguins could actually get back up after falling over. This would certainly be a useful skill on an icy, slippery continent like Antarctica. Without the ability to stand up, I would doubt penguins would have survived up to this day, even discounting the danger of passing airplanes. Some might have called this experiment a waste of time, but I call it a good story.

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