Iron Chef: New York Battle

This quote is halfway between a plug and an actual quote. As such, I'll deal with the plug first. Coming up next week is a special food network presentation, 'Iron Chef: New York Battle'. To enter into advertisement mode, let me say that for the first time the Iron Chefs will be hitting the streets of America. And the streets will break before they do. In this challenge, Iron Chef Japanese will face off against Bobby Flay, of Hot Of The Grill With Bobby Flay fame. (You know he's gotta be good to have his name in the title of the show. That makes it much harder to fire him. Unless they find someone else with the name Bobby Flay. They should probably try, 'cause Flay as he is doesn't stand much of a chance.)

I don't know how many people have seen the funny commercial the food network has put up, but it's excellent. Apparently, Kaga is going to eat a yellow pepper on the street. You gotta admit, that guy's got endurance. Also, he apparently walks the streets with all the Iron Chefs (except Kenichi), in their elaborate outfits. Man, they would make a pretty intimidating gang on the street. I can just see them roughing other toughs up; not to steal money, but to try new foods and flavours from around the world. The hot dog vendors would definitely be in danger. After all, Morimoto's got his blowtorches, Kobe's incredibly fast (and the hat could kill by accident too) and Sakai has...his incredible womanizing powers. Apparently. Well, they often comment on how smooth he is with the ladies, though I have never noticed this.

But getting off the topic of the Iron Chef Gang, I'll return to the New York Battle. It melodramatically refers to both as warriors and describes each fighter in turn. It states that Morimoto shocked the world with his personality, and to substantiate this it shows some judge calling him crazy. Meanwhile, for Bobby Flay, it simply shows some schmoe saying how 'everybody loves Bobby Flay.' Not quite, buddy. In any case, if I can influence even one person (myself included) to watch the New York Battle, then I have succeeded in my mission. Since I plan to watch it regardless, I'd say I'm going to succeed. The key is to set low goals, right?

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