That's the situation that occurs in the movie The Shadow. A great but often overlooked movie. In this case, the security guard named Nelson, when confronted by this supernatural intruder replies with this week's quote. "Uh...we're closed!" That really showed 'em who was in charge, Nelson! I'm sure an evil intruder would be intimidated if you pointed out that he hadn't come within normal business hours. Anyway, to keep on track, the armored intruder looks at Nelson and says simply, "Join me or die." Naturally, Nelson is confused by this statement, and replies, "Excuse me?" To this, the evil figure repeats his earlier statement. "Join me or die." Faced with this clear threat to his life, Nelson does not respond with any sort of attack or real warning. Rather, he uses one of the best lines ever when confronted with an evil villain who intends to kill him. Instead of shooting his gun, he says, "This is private property!" Whoa, don't get nasty, Nelson! That'll scare him off for sure. Nelson is clearly a fool. He gets killed rather soon afterwards.
If anyone is curious, the picture I used doesn't really resemble Nelson in the least. However, for reasons quite unknown, I couldn't find an actual picture of this great but incredibly minor character. I wonder why. Could be because he only has three lines, all of which are highly ridiculous. But man, that character had great comedic potential! Too bad he was a weak-minded fool.
In order to understand this quote, I must first explain the situation leading up to its use. Imagine that you a weak-willed museum security guard. If that doesn't require much imagination for you, then I'd be a bit worried. In any case, you are working the midnight shift at the museum. A rare silver coffin has just arrived from Tibet, apparently without having been ordered. The curator of the museum, your boss, has just left to make a phone call. Your other boss has gone to 'help him', somehow. This leaves you alone with the new coffin, having been carefully instructed 'not to open it.' For a short while, you do whatever it is you like to do while waiting (be it pacing, shadow-boxing, or whistling broadsong songs), until suddenly one of the clasps of the coffin bursts open. On its own. You would probably pull your gun at this point, before moving forward to close the clasp. However, no sooner do you do this than another opens, and subsequently another. No matter how fast you close them, more keep popping open. Most people would probably step cautiously back and point their gun at the coffin. Just then, the coffin bursts open, and out pours some necessary dramatic steam, followed by some guy in Mongol armor, who has eerie wide eyes. What would you do?
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