I think I already noted above that NECRON is from Final Fantasy IX. This was a game meant to go back to the roots of the beloved series, and it accomplished this well. For the most part. In fact, I greatly enjoyed the game right up until the very end. I was all wound up for the final battle with Kuja, who had been your obligatory white-haired nemesis for almost the entire game. But making him the end villain would apparently have been too predictable. And would have made way too much sense. Instead, the producers decided to toss in NECRON, literally at the last possible moment. You've never heard of this guy before the last fight in the game! And with good reason! He appears to be a stupid pillar with floating platforms and ridiculous claims that he's actually the source of all evil. His battle music doesn't help matters much. It contains sound clips of a bunch of people groaning. This was probably the taped reaction of the game's testers when they first encountered the evil of NECRON. He even goes beyond THE HATRED that was Zeromus. Apparently, as long as there is darkness in people's hearts, NECRON cannot be defeated. I doubt that's the case. As far as I can tell, as long as certain video game designers remain insane, we'll end up with the horrible thing that is NECRON. And despite his claims, he's really not all that tough to defeat. Unfortunately, it's already too late. The moment this fiend rises from the dark world, as he calls it, he's already managed to ruin the ending of the game. Now that's the sign of a really bad villain. Too bad even to save the President.
I have to make one thing clear before I conclude this story. The picture featured on the main LotB page is not actually NECRON. Instead, it's a picture of NECLORD, who doesn't share any similarities of appearance with NECRON, despite their very similar names. Admittedly, it's a rather crappy picture, even for NECLORD. But that only makes it more appropriate for NECRON, who deserves nothing better than a terrible picture. And even so, it's being generous. Let's just say that the pillar and platforms weren't a very impressive appearance for an end boss. As such, I was looking for a picture that could do justice to NECRON's crappy platforms. I was unable to find anything that looked remotely like him. It's not hard to see why. It's very hard to come up with a design that bad. So, you could say that the picture I ended up with was rather a letdown. Just like NECRON. I'd better stop now, before he ruins this page the way he ruined the ending of FFIX. Because he could do it. He could rise from the Dark World for just such a task. And in that goal, at least, he would be unstoppable.
The source of this quote is not exactly something new. In fact, I'd been considering using it for quite some time. My grand plan involved using it as the Final quote of the week, to cap off all the others that had gone before it. In this way, and this way alone, I felt I could truly capture the enraging essence of NECRON. After all, everyone would surely be expecting the Final quote to be something spectacular (right?), and this would give them quite the opposite. As you can probably tell. It's an enormous letdown even now, and I'm not even billing it as the Final quote. In the end, though, I decided that using it in such a fashion would mean that the terrorists had already won. And that statement makes about as much sense as NECRON's appearance in FFIX. Probably more, actually. So, regardless of my earlier plans, I decided to accept this suggestion, and put up a quote about the worst villain ever.
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