The Tale Of Nash

Nash originated in the Street Fighter V series, but the Nash from this quote has very little to do with that one, aside from appearence. In those shows, Nash was the assistant of Guile, and they were both part of the American military. Naturally, since Nash wasn't a character from the Street Fighter video games (which the shows were sorta based on), I assumed that he was deadmeat. It turned out that Nash actually was good, but that's beside the point.

It was later that the jokes about Nash truly began, when in one role-playing game, we decided to have Nash attempt to join the PCs(Player characters) but then get shot and die immeidiately. After the shooting, a man in a suit would leap up from a table and say "They got Nash!! He was one of our best men!" If questioned about Nash, everyone would simply say "Well...Goodbye." and leave.

That is the entire story behind Nash. Unfortunetly, it's one of those things where you almost had to have been there to understand. Ahhh well, good enough.

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