As for Mussolini, it was likely due to him that the Italians fared so badly in the war. For example, I recently heard that in order to save money in the war effort, Mussolini decided not to give his men real boots. Instead, they got boots made out of cardboard. As I'm sure we all know, cardboard kinda sucks. That's why they never decided to make tanks out of cardboard, and why the cardboard box car was such a failure. Also, as you know from Arctic expeditions, army boots can be eaten as a last resort. Cardboard doesn't provide nearly as much nutrition. In any case, if this is any sign of Mussolini's cheapness, I think we can assume he was cheap in other aspects as well. I bet he probably bought Styrofoam guns for his soldiers, and kept the only real gun in the country for himself so he could fight off any revolutions. That would explain why the Italians always lost the battles they engaged in. About the only thing Mussolini did do was try to flee from the country on numerous occaisons, but even that he didn't do well, since he was caught every time.
Since variety is the spice of life, and spices like Oregano are very good, I decided to break with my usual assortment of quotes for this week. Yes, that's right, this quote involves neither food nor Birdman. Even better, it's also a real historical quote. Of course, the spelling is in question, since my Italian is not very good (non-existant). In any case, however you spell it, this quote refers to perhaps one of the greatest villains in history, Benito Mussolini! Quite frankly, I doubt the Nazis could've chosen a WORSE ally for World War II. Let's face it, the Italians accomplished nothing. They weren't really able to win any battles, all thanks to the great leadership of Mussolini. The only thing they did was rebel and eventually fold and give up.
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