That was only a slightly dramatic spin on the actual plot of an old Birdman cartoon episode. In that episode, he faces the Mummer, a master of disguise who still can't find his own motive for doing anything. Like all of Birdman's villains, the Mummer has several weaknesses. The first being, as you can see from my picture, the fact that he's kind of blurry. This makes disguising himself as a normal person quite difficult. The Mummer's second weakness is that his only technique is to disguise himself. When a hero confronts him, his only chance is to disguise himself as that hero in an attempt to confuse them. But the hero could still just beat him up! In which case, the Mummer would have no choice but to go hide in a football stadium.
That won't really accomplish the Mummer's goals, but since he doesn't seem to have any reason to want these goals, it doesn't really matter. Also note his funny-shaped head. You'd think this would also make disguising difficult.
The setting is the majestic international conferance of nations, rather like the UN, held in a marvellous building which looks something like a poorly drawn Pentagon building. The King Of Solomon, a widely respected advocate of peace, is about to make a speech praising his longtime ally, the King of Lampir. But before he can make this speech, an unidentified man comes up and tells him he has an important message. Rather than question the suspicious individual, the trusting king agrees without hesitation to be taken to this message. The king's suspicions are finally aroused when the messenger brings him into an empty basement room and ties him up. The king demands to know what's going on. For reasons unknown, the villain decides to enlighten the king. Removing his 'disguise' (which looked incredibly suspicious, by the way), the man reveals himself as the Mummer. He pulls out a costume of the king of Solomon and even steals his voice. Now if only he didn't explain who he was to everyone he kidnaps. The Mummer, now disguised as the king, returns to the conferance and uses this week's quote. "I've just heard that the king of Lampir is planning a secret war against my country! I declare total war on Lampir!" The king of Lampir quickly rises to refute this claim, by yelling, "That's a lie!" The Mummer's plan has succeeded, except for two things. The first being that they discover the real king of Solomon instants later, sinc he's still tied up in the same room. The second being that the Mummer has no motive whatsoever for causing this war. It won't benefit him in any way. So really, whether it fails or succeeds, the Mummer is a big loser either way.
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