This quote actually originates from my school, and more specifically, from a guy I shall refer to as 'Chocolate Syrup'. (Yes, the name does sort of make ironic sense, but he wanted his confidentiality assured..well, he would, if he knew about it! Muahaha!) The school always has a huge number of moths in it, as do most schools, probably because of shoddy cut-corners construction. But anyway, to continue the tale, 'Chocolate Syrup' was waiting outside the class for the computer teacher to come, who was late, as usual. Then, he noticed a moth on the windowsill. It was about at this point that the computer teacher arrived and began to unlock the class door. At this point, Chocolate Syrup said, "Miss..there's a moth on the window!" To this, the teacher could only reply, "There's moths everywhere, 'Chocolate Syrup'. What's yer problem?" (Yes, t'was 'yer'). Chocolate Syrup said, "I don't like moths. They frustrate me!"
If you actually knew the man involved, it would be quite a bit funnier. But even so, I find it amusing to speculate over someone being frustrated by moths. In any case, they frustrate me too. Oh, by the way, if the picture I used isn't a moth, but is actually a butterfly..well, that's just too bad.