
This quote comes from the Myster Science Theater TV episode entitled Mitchell. As is the case in all MyST episodes, they choose an incredibly bad movie to tear apart and mock. Mitchell fits that description and exceeds it! It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen! The plot just doesn't make sense! Which is what makes it a very funny episode, really. Mitchell is supposed to be some sort of undercover police officer who is sent to survey this one guy twenty-four hours a day. But Mitchell has to be the worst cop I've ever seen! He tells the guy he's watching him. He chats with his target's butler. HE PARKS IN HIS PARKING SPOT! How subtle is that? Later, he even eats dinner with the guy. And he's also really bad at following people. When he's tracing them in his car, he drives right behind them! Thus ensues the incredibly slow car chase scene, where they all drive at about 20 km/h. Somehow, the guy being chased seems confused that Mitchell is able to match their tricky maneuvers, even though they still turn on their signal light before making a turn.

The true source of this quote is that everytime Mitchell does something, he says "Mitchell." followed by some scratchy soundeffects. For example, climbing a fence (and almost falling too.) or quietly infiltrating a house. But even without the mockings of the MyST crew, Mitchell would've been a funny movie 'cause it makes no sense. At one point, Mitchell is chatting with this other chauffeur, when suddenly the guy starts to run away. So Mitchell shoots him in the leg. Why? In his own words, "I wanted to find out who that guy was." He wasn't even relevant to the story. So I guess Mitchell just routinely shoots passerbys to find out who they are. What a guy. Also, at one point, two guys come and beat Mitchell up. After stuffing him in a garbage can, they depart, never to return again. You never find out who those guys were, or why they were after Mitchell. But suddenly, Mitchell goes from being stuffed in a garbage can to lying in bed with some woman. What the heck? Now there's a sudden change. I guess that's just what 'Mitchell!' can do.

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