A big problem

It all started just like a typical day. I dragged myself from bed (late as usual), and decided that I should probably change the quote on my site. It is so very vital, after all. So, in a heroic effort, I raced to my computer terminal and quickly chose a quote for this week. But then, just when I was about to complete the update, I had a problem. A huge problem. It stopped me cold in my tracks, and continues to do so to this very moment. It was the Mind Body Problem. Yes, the Mind Body Problem, a very important quandry that must be solved in order to avoid the bafflement of wondering why it's a problem at all. You see, suddenly, I was unsure if my mind was separate from my body or if they were just part of a whole. This deep topic threw me into bafflement as I considered the stupid and hypocritical arguements for either side. Unfortunately, since this is such a wide-ranging topic, the investigation could take a while. And in the meantime, the whole progress of humankind hangs in the balance of being immobilised by the Mind Body Problem. Oh, it's a problem! At least, to this quote I had in mind.

Now I'll be (more) serious. The Mind Body Problem did not, in fact, stop me from changing the quote. Nor has it ever stopped anyone from doing anything. It's not really much of a problem at all. It's one of those vitally important Philosophy questions that they spend several months discussing in said class. Now I understand why there's little demand for Philosophy these days. Not only are the problems irrelevant, they're also mostly stupid. Such as the evil genius who is controlling us all and stimulating our brains inside little glass jars. (It's true! It's an actual theory!) That's just ridiculous! In any case, ever since hearing about this infamous Mind Body problem, I have been joking about how it incapacitates me. And since I spend all my time talking about that, perhaps it really does. Now that's pretty deep. The Mind Body Problem, otherwise known as the Killer Joke. Needless to say, I don't plan to be taking many Philosophy classes.

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