Megatron would be a professor in the Geophysical Engineering department. His constant plan would be to use his students to get OIL, so he could defeat the autobots ONCE AND FOR ALL! His assignments would read as follows: 'Steal an underwater oil drilling machine from the Humans.' or simply, 'Bring me OIL!'. Most teachers give out a list of incredibly expensive textbooks needed for the class. Megatron would require different supplies from his class, such as 10 000 tons of coal. (This is to be used in his scheme to make a massive diamond to tip a satellite which would then melt the University for OIL.) I can foresee Megatron's class as being very gruelling.
Megatron: "I have no more patience! I want your assignments NOW!"
Students: "But master, you only assigned them today...!"
Students: "Mighty Megatron, I believe your...'original' reasoning was the best.'
Megatron: "My 'original' reasoning?"
Students: "Yes. By giving us a month to work on the assignment, we can actually complete it."
Megatron: "Sometimes my brillance amazes even me!"
Of course, Soundwave would be Megatron's teaching assistant. It would be his responsability to attempt to explain any concepts Megatron taught which the students didn't understand. This would be quite frequent, as Megatron doesn't like to explain, and hates questions. The two would often leave after the class in their Turbine Mole Machine which would tunnel underneath the University to their secret weapons development facilities, which they have underneath each building.
Suddenly, Megatron starts writing assignments on the board, all due NOW. Megatron: "I cannot wait any longer! I want your assignments NOW, so I can crush the autobots ONCE AND FOR ALL!"
One of the students ran up screaming, and waving his arms, but Megatron flattened him with a blast from his fusion cannon.
As stated above, Megatron hates questions. As a result, he often abandons his office during office hours in order to escape in his Turbine Mole Machine. Any students who would try to come to ask questions would only find a time-delayed bomb attached to his door, which would often send a couple students to the University hospital. Obviously, the terror of Megatron's teaching would have to stop, and only Optimus Prime, president of the University, could stand up to the task.
As Megatron finished his lecture, wave after wave of students advanced, firing off a barrage of questions and comments. Megatron: "DO SOMETHING, Soundwave!"
Soundwave: "I can't, Master! I've tried all the teaching techniques I know, but they still don't understand the class material!"
Megatron: "BLAST!" With that, he let out a blast from his fusion cannon, dropping two students. But five more quickly took their place. The students were going to ask questions, and nothing the Decepticons did could stop that now.
Soundwave: "It's Optimus Prime's fault! He put that razon gas in our overhead projector. I'm sure I could've explained it if the overheads were working."
Megatron: "Curse you, Optimus Prime! But I'll be back! You haven't won yet!" The two quickly lept into the Turbine Mole Machine and made their getaway.
I could certainly go on even longer about Professor Megatron's exploits, but I think I've written enough for a simple quote story. Note that most of lines (although slightly modified) come directly from Transformers tape books which I possess.
Lately, I've been thinking alot about what constitutes a good professor. This is largely due to the vast amount of boring dead time I spend listening to my econ prof yammer on about the same thing over and over again. Some profs simply can't lecture. They know the material (well, the econ prof is still in question. He knows many insults though), but they just aren't interesting. Then there are other profs like MAHMOOD who are very funny indeed. (Note: It is also unclear if MAHMOOD intends to be funny) On that subject, I started thinking about who would make great profs. In the process, I thought of one who would be even worse than the econ guy. He would never be boring, but he wouldn't be much appreciated by the students. This would be Professor Megatron. At least the students would always be able to maintain good visual contact with him, as he's huge, well over sixty feet tall. Also, students would have no trouble hearing him, as he SHOUTS everything that he says. Unfortunately, the students would probably rather not hear what he has to say.
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