MegaForce is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not just that it's incredibly cheesy, but it's also the fact that it's meant to be taken seriously. I'm sorry, but that's quite impossible. Which, coincidently, makes it one of the most unintentionally funny movies I've ever seen. The effects, the acting, the story; it's all just plain bad. Mega Force was supposed to be a Sci-Fi battle epic of unimagined proportions, but instead it comes off as a joke. And the silver jumpsuits...I can't believe anyone could be taken seriously wearing one of those.
Anyway, the quote in question is spoken by 'Ace Hunter' (if you can't guess, the main hero) as he bests the arch villain Duke Guerera. The problem is, Guerera isn't really a villain at all. And when Ace bests him, he laughs it off and talks about what a great guy he is. There is much more to be said about this movie, but I'd only be repeating it. This site says it as eloquently as I ever could, and with far more detail. In conclusion, if you're ever looking for a really funny movie to watch, give MegaForce a try. Watch the ending scene with Ace on his flying bike. If that doesn't make you laugh, try watching it again in slow motion. Assuming you're still not amused, simply think about the fact that Ace's bike is set to explode like all the other vehicles. Then watch Ace stow it inside their plane for the long trip home...
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