Miracle Cures

I am always amused by the commercials advertising 'miracle drugs' which will cure your various ailments. Of course, these drugs have been scientifically proven, so it's not really a sham. However, the commercials themselves are funny, as the companies making these drugs want to make as much money as any other company. They always start out by showing sweeping scenes of people running along a beach (what this has to do with the medicine in question is quite unknown) or enjoying a cruise in a fast car. In glowing tones, the announcer declares what the drug can and will cure. Then we get to the part required by law. If they had a choice, I'm sure the companies would never put this in. Some dry boring sounding guy (chosen deliberately to make us ignore this part of the dialogue) starts reading off the list of 'possible side effects'. I'm always amazed by the HUGE number of side effects listed. They might as well just say, "Possible side effects include: death." They range from severe chest pains to constrictions of the throat to difficulty breathing. Difficulty breathing?! Isn't breathing kind of important? And there are SO many side effects for each drug! With that in mind, I'm surprised anyone would buy them since the cure seems to be worse than the sickness. I guess these are the people who fall asleep during the second half of the commercials due to the announcer's boring voice.

I might be getting a bit off topic here, but this is something I've been meaning to rant about for quite some time. The two-thousand flushes guy. He has, in his own words, "Invented something AMAZING!" This turns out to be two-thousand flushes blue plus bleach. The audience is, of course, bitterly disappointed that this is the 'amazing' thing. However, the guy in the commercial is still incredibly excited. He's just TOO pleased with himself. Calm down, buddy. I don't think anyone could be realistically that excited about this invention. It's really not something you get worked up over.

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