Maximum Quote!

Yo man! Dis is like comin' from usual source for quote. It actually from video game Super Street Fighter 2, where they add new characters like T. Hawk, and Dee Jay, the raggay kickboxer. Like, maximum ethnic diversity! Alright, enough of Dee Jay's lingo. As I mentioned rather incomprehenisibly earlier, I have indeed used Street Fighter 2 before as a source for quotes. Just check this out! Once again, I am going to rant about the ongoing legacy of the Street Fighter 2 series and their apparent aversion to the number 3. Instead of making a third installment to the series, they just tacked a 'Super' on to the beginning and added four new characters. Maybe they figured people would buy it simply because it proclaimed itself to be 'super'. Anyway, the main topic of this quote is Dee Jay, the Jamaican Kick-boxer. His main skills seem to involve kick-boxing, rythm, maracas and the Hoo-HAH kick. Oh yeah, he also wears these funny pants with the word 'Maximum!' written on them. When he does defeat opponents (which is rare enough), he taunts them for not possessing his raggay rhythm, which apparently gives him 'Maximum fighting skills!' Or something. In fact, he's one of the worst characters, but his Hoo-HAH is quite impressive.

Some of you may still be wondering where exactly this quote came from. No, Dee Jay indeed does not even mention the word 'literary' in the game. I doubt the translators would know what it meant. This exact quote comes from a friend of mine who got to play the character of Dee Jay in a recent role-playing game, and did a masterful job indeed. His objectives included being as lazy as possible, kicking down trees to impress people and saying the word 'Maximum!' as much as possible. This last goal was most certainly accomplished. As well as being lazy, and talking in a very thick Jamaican accent, Dee Jay was also very skilled at being confused. Yes, this was actually a talent with him, much like raggay. (If he failed the raggay check, he would often up doing some other style of dance.) This exact quote emerged when he was speaking with Mark Twain, an old man who had written many books. Mark Twain was saying how something they had encountered was rather like a metaphor for something else. Succeeding as usual at his confusion skill, Dee Jay quickly replied, "Woah man! Maximum literary technique!"

Another good line occurred when the group came upon a group of bodies lying in a ditch. One of the group cautiously advised to be careful of a trap. Dee Jay instantly responded, "Yo man! It can't be a trap! They's dead!" Maximum confusion.

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