The Dark Side

For all of those who have been living in a box for the past year, this quote (or lack thereof) comes from the vast reserves of lines (or lack thereof) spoken by Darth Maul in the new Star Wars movie. If you were to judge by the previews, which I did, you would expect Darth Maul to be a fairly major character in the movie. Unfortunately, you would be wrong. In fact, they use every single one of his lines in the preview, giving you the impression that's he's actually got quite a big role. And since he only has two or three lines in the movie, you can tell he's only in it for the scariness effect and the light sabre battle. Not that there's anything wrong with that; the light sabre battle was awesome, and by far my favorite part of the movie. I don't care that Maul's weapon was highly ridiculous, it was just cool. But I was disappointed by Maul's silence throughout the film. Don't get me wrong, I still liked him as a character, but that's really why I would've liked to see a bit more about him. After all, what do you really know about Darth Maul? He's a Sith, he's got a double-edged lightsabre and he follows his masters' orders. And that's all there is to him. He could've at least gushed out his life story while he was dying! (Alright, I was going a bit far with that last part. It would've made it just too cheesy altogether.)

In general, despite the critics' poundings, I found Phantom Menace to be a good movie. The lightsabre battle, as I stated previously, was quite possibly the best swordfight I've ever seen in a movie, and the big army scale battle was far better than the Ewok struggle. At least the Gungans actually had decent technology, unlike the big rocks and sticks toted by the Ewoks. And more importantly, they actually rather lost the battle, unlike the Ewoks who wiped out a whole legion of the Emperor's 'best men'. I would hate to see the Emperor's worst men. They would probably just keel over dead without any cause whatsoever. It's the only way they could possibly be worse than his 'best men.' In any case, I will now present a list of all three of Darth Maul's lines throughout the film. They're not really direct quotes, and I might forget one or two, so just remind me if I do.

"The time for our revenge against the Jedi has come at last."
"Yes, my master."
-Menacing sounding grunt-

Now here's a list of lines they could've easily added for Maul to say.

"The time for my revenge against the script-writers has come at last. Now I'll get all the lines I deserve!"
"No, I am not the devil! No, really. Any resemblance is strictly coinicidental. It's all just a coincidence!"
"Oh...I am slain."
(Naturally, for when he dies...)

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