Heroic Leader: Transformers: Optimus Prime. Need I say more? Alright, I will anyway. Noble, wise, powerful and HUGE, Prime could easily crush any member of the Thundercats while dispensing wise advice at the same time. Thundercats: Lion-O. By all accounts, a young, rash and impetuous leader. And he had funny hair. No contest here, clearly.
Villains: Transformers: No one could be as pure evil as the Mighty Megatron. And this guy was ambitious. The world wasn't enough for him! He wanted the Universe, and were it not for the autobots, he would take it. Plus, he transforms into a really big gun. Can anybody beat that? Thundercats: I don't even know who the villain of Thundercats was. That really shows how memorable they were.
Names: Transformers: There's just no way you can beat names like Grimlock, Shockwave and best of all, Jazz. Thundercats: Do I even need to say it? LION-O? PANTHERA?! I can really see the creative effort they went through in naming these characters. I mean, if I were about to name a bunch of talking cats with super-powers, what would I first come up with? The only possible way it could be worse would be if one was named Cat-ra. Oh wait, that occurs in He-Man...
The Winner: So, which cartoon was truly the dominant force of the '80s, rising above all others? Clearly, the Mr. T cartoon. No explaination needed for that one.
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Before I begin rambling about this quote, it is important to note that I've never actually watched an entire episode of Thundercats. At least, to my known memory. This means my statements might not be entirely unbiased. As if you can't guess by now, this quote is apparently from Thundercats. It's one of those catch-phrases that is spoken almost every episode by Lion-O, the leader of the Thundercats. He speaks these words, then puts his sword in front of his face so (he can block his own vision) he can see long distances, and through walls. It's unclear whether the words are actually necessary to make this work. This is another quote that was kindly suggested to me, and I am more than happy to put it up. It gives me a chance to write about something that's been on my mind for quite some time now.
Thundercats was at its prime back in the '80s. But recently, a new, totally inferior series of the show has been created. Does this sound similar to another show I've covered in numerous quotes? That's right, Transformers features this very pattern. There has long been some rivalry between the Transformer and Thundercat factions, as to which was truly the ruling cartoon of the '80s. I would like to take this opportunity to voice my views on this conflict. Before I do so, I would just like all to note that I have nothing against the Thundercats. Rather, I simply think they're no match for the Robots in Disguise.
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