Which fictional character is known as Don Limpio in spanish?
Note that this is a real question from a real episode of Millionaire. As opposed to all those fake episodes of imitation gameshows, of course. Annoyingly enough, I can't remember the last answer to the question. Eddie Murphy, however, is just as annoying, so I just stuck him in as the fourth possible response. So I've passed the annoyance right on to you, the reader!
This question also served to annoy the contestant to whom it was posed. Fortunately, Millionaire offers you a selection of three cheesy life-lines, including a fifty-fifty, the ability to ask the audience and a phonecall to a friend. I once saw a variant that included the ability to call a random stranger, but I doubt this would prove too effective. After all, who would want to answer a crazy question like this posed to them by someone they don't even know? Aside from the contestants of the game, of course. Regardless, the guy decided to go with the fifty-fifty. This was supposed to randomly eliminate two incorrect answers. Like usual, it managed to 'randomly' eliminate the two answers that were clearly not correct: The Green Giant and Eddie Murphy. Left with a choice between Mr. Peanut and Mr. Clean, the contestant went with Mr. Peanut. It was his final answer. Literally, because he was incorrect and thus forced from the stage before he could provide any others.
Though it may seem strange to make people validate their existance by answering questions such as this, it does provide some amusement for the audience. In particular, I think Don Limpio is a great alias for Mr. Clean. And for anyone, really. It's the sort of name that's really conducive to random shouting, often at the most inappropriate moments. After hearing about this question, I seriously considered starting up a new Warcraft III account with the alias of Don Limpio! I'm sure this would have also had a big impact on my win ratio. I would've started cleaning up my opponents. Mopping the floor with them would have been only too easy. Especially if they were playing the dirty undead, in which case I would take special care to wipe out every last one of them. No doubt about it, my record would have been spotless. And the potential for puns would be almost unlimited! The only thing that kept me from assuming the alias and powers of Don Limpio! was the fact that most people would accuse me of being Mr. Peanut.
Wow, it sure takes a lot of knowledge and a whole lot of luck to win a million dollars on a television gameshow. The luck involves actually getting on a show like Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, and the knowledge is necessary to answer a series of inane and obscure trivia questions. Both are essential components of a winner. If you're not lucky enough, you might end up on Jeopardy, where the best prize is a copy of their home game and the only fun is had by mocking Alex Trebek. Now with 100% less mustache, by the way. It just makes him look weird. In any case, even if you have the luck to get on the right show, you still need real knowledge to answer queries like the following question:
1. The Green Giant.
2. Mr. Peanut.
3. Mr. Clean.
4. Eddie Murphy.
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