Nya. You're probably wondering where the box comes into this. Well, the quote is actually from Metal Gear Solid. In this game, Snake can hide in the box and remain totally safe from guards. With enough practice, the box can practically be a foolproof method of infiltration. The only response that the guards make is, "Hey. It's a box." They then ignore it. They're obviously use to boxes sidling up to them and knocking them out with trick hookpunches. It doesn't make them suspicious at all. Furthermore, when they get shot, their only reaction is not to say 'Ouch' or 'Help' or even 'Hey, I've been shot!'. No, instead they say, "What was that noise?" What about the bullet sticking in your leg?! The only defense against the box would be the aforementioned children, as all kids can't resist the temptation to play in a box.
This quote is mainly dedicated to K.C., see!
Yes, this isn't the first box quote I have on my site. Boxes seem to highly prevalent among my pages, but let me assure you that this a totally original theme not delved into before. This time, the subject is 'guards', and more specifically, their portrayel in all forms of media as weak-willed incompetent fools. If these sources are any judge, guards should not be guarding; they should be guarded. After all, it seems they can be fooled or defeated by any disguise, attack or cheesy distraction. Just look at how often the sick-prisoner routine works. I mean, c'mon, the guards must have seen it HUNDREDS of times, but they still fall for it. Little kids would often serve better as guards, or short furry animals. Just look at the Stormtroopers in Return Of The Jedi.
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