There's actually a decent story about an example of this I saw. I happened to glance at a small segment of Money Court, one of the sad predecessors of today's judge shows. In this episode, the two people had come before the money court on a matter of great urgency. One was sueing the other for the price of a medium pizza. A MEDIUM PIZZA! Now that's something worth spending thousands on court funds for. I believe the cost of the pizza was like 14.95 or something like that. I simply can't imagine anyone getting so worked up over a medium pizza! It doesn't matter what 'principles' are involved, be they preferances for mushroom or anchovies, it's just not that big a deal. Only actors paid for their roles would submit to doing something that utterly INSANE.
But in returning to the topic at hand, TV judges are there for the show, but in my opinion, they aren't a very good one.
Lately, I have noticed the great abundance of 'reality courtroom dramas', as they are sometimes called. I would call them 'loud arguments with occaisonal comments from a jive-talkin' judge'. The most prominent example of this is the program about Judge Joe Brown, but there are others, including Judge Judy, Judge Greg Mathis and Judge Mills Lane. However, all of them are eerily similar. Each one also promises that it features real people and real cases. The real people part is easy; I haven't met too many fake people myself. As for the real cases bit, I'm sure they base their plots from real cases. However, I'm equally positive that those aren't the real cases themselves being displayed on TV. The main proof of this can be found with the people who come before the court themselves. They are clearly actors. Why, you might ask? Simply this: There's no way that every real person brought before the court would make such a scene, yelling, cursing and abusing everyone, INCLUDING THE JUDGE! If the show is to be believed, an intelligent person has NEVER come before the court. Every single person on the air is outrageous! And they get so worked up, over even minor things.
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