I really can't say much more about the quote, considering my limited knowledge of the show. Of course, that's never stopped me before. Which is why I'm going to strike off on a total tangent from this topic. The most striking thing I ever noticed about GI Joe was how much they reminded me of Louis Riel. Not that I've ever seen a real picture of Riel, but I imagine that's what he might look like. Some of you may not even know who Louis Riel is. That's what makes my idea all the more urgent. Anyone who knows anything about Canadian history should know about two things: Quebec and Louis Riel. But sadly, many people are not informed about these cornerstones of history. That is why I suggest the Government of Canada should create a series of video games to educate the public on this matter. I can see it now. A Canadian history fighting game. You could choose to bring John A. Macdonald head-to-head with Louis Riel in an all-out slugfest. Of course, all the fighters would have strange special powers, such as Macdonald's booze and Riel's insanity. There could even be more recent characters, such as Joe Clark against his government and Gilles Duceppe against a cheese factory. Of course, this fighting game would not be the only Canadian historical game made. There could also be a strategy game about repatriating the constitution, and a game where you drive a jet-ski and attempt to avoid being hit by chocolate milk. These would surely be best sellers, and while entertaining the public, they could teach also them about our long, diverse history.
"Yo Joe! Hit 'em high and hit 'em low!" Another refugee quote from the '80s. Once again, this quote was sent to me with a high recommendation, and I was only too happy to use it. In order to explain the origins of this quote, I will 'quote' the person who sent it to me, who provided an excellent explaination. (Especially since I've rarely seen the show myself!) "This quote was spoken by Duke on GI Joe. Yo Joe is the classic GI Joe battle cry. This particular phrase was said as Duke was flying his Tommahawk Hellicopter into battle with Cobra. Duke always had a flair for saying fancy stuff like that." Duke sounds like quite a guy. I must note that I rarely watched GI Joe back when it was on. That was due most likely to the high caliber competition it faced, such as Transformers and He-Man. But I can respect the show now. You've got to admire a group of soldiers who face off against villains like Cobra! Plus, they have an action figure empire to almost rival that of Star Wars. It's quite true! While searching for a picture to use with this quote, I came across literally dozens of pages about collecting the figures. The only GI Joe toy I ever had lost his leg rather quickly. Evidently, Cobra was tougher than he anticipated.
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