The Short Tale Of Jeb-Juice

There's really not very much at all that contributes to the "Epic" of Jeb-Juice. Jeb's a guy I know, and he is at times rather amusing. Not to go into great length about this comical man, I'll get right to the point of this story.

One day, myself and a couple of friends were eating lunch. Jeb was among these friends, and was happily unpeeling an orange, when he remarked about how much juice could be extracted from the peels. We instantly told him that this was definetly not the case, and that you COULD NOT, in fact, extract gallons of juice from a single peel. Nevertheless, he persevered and said how all the people of the world could find sustenance in a single peel.

We still talk about this incident to this day, and find it rather humorous. However, you readers may not agree with our twisted humour. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Special Note: I am not exagerating in the slightest about this incident..really, I'm not!!! I'd also like to say that this quote was put up for the amusement and annoyance of Jeb.

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