Some things to consider when watching Star Wars Movies:
Where is every other woman in the universe besides Leia?
How can anyone understand what Yoda is saying when he talks like a
fortune cookie?
How many times has somebody said "I have a bad feeling about this."
How many times has somebody told someone "it is your destiny."
What good is stormtrooper armor if it cant stop a spit wad let alone a
laser blast?
Why does stormtrooper armor have the word "oil" written on the back of
Name three scenes with Lando and Luke in the same room... where they
speak to each other!!! I did not think that you could.
Name three people who did not secretly cheer when the ewoks got their
butts kicked by imperial forces during the battle of endor (these are the
same people that think being a red shirt on an away team on Star Trek is
not a bad job).
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