Now that I've finished my rant on Bond's latest vehicle, I can get to the business of actually explaining this quote. As usual, this most recent Bond film opened with a fast-paced action sequence. This involved a perilous ride over a minefield on some military hovercrafts. Obviously, this also included a great deal of shooting, unarmed combat, and yes, explosions galore. As could surely be predicted, this eventually pitted Bond against one of the main villains on top of the largest hovercraft. Also quite predictably, the driver of this hovercraft had already been killed by some random shot. It was quite amazing that the hovercraft managed to maintain a smoother ride once the pilot was dead, but that's just the way these things go. Aside, of course, from the fact that the vehicle zoomed through a roadblock onto a closed road. The reason this road was closed was because it led straight to a very steep cliff. You have to love it when people build roads that lead right over cliffs. Somehow, it only seems to happen in action movies. In any case, there happened to be some sort of church right near the cliff. As the hovercraft rumbled over the edge, Bond lept off and grabbed onto the rope dangling down from the church's massive bell. That's where this week's quote came into the scene.
Finally, I should note that I considered taking a cue from the invisible car, and making this an invisible quote. I would certainly be saving a great deal of time and webspace by simply leaving this story page blank. If it's part of the script of a major motion picture, I don't see why it couldn't be included on my webpage. However, upon further consideration, I've noted several more reasons why an invisible car would be a bad idea. Most importantly, parking. This is becoming a big issue in often overpopulated areas. Assuming you could find a place to park your invisible car, other people still wouldn't realise that the spot was taken and would end up hitting your vehicle. And even if this did not occur, you would often have trouble locating your own invisible car within a parking lot. In conclusion, I'll have to say that both invisible cars and invisible quotes are quite inpractical. But they sure are cheap.
As some might be able to infer from the picture associated with this quote, it comes from the new James Bond movie, Die Another Day. I recently saw this film, and have to admit that it fulfilled the traditional Bond quota of explosions, improbable action scenes, crazy gadgets and one-liners. This quote is actually included in the last of the aforementioned catergories. But before I go about explaining it, I would just like to take a moment to rant about Bond's mode of transportation in the most recent film. Franchise tradition also dictates that James Bond must, at some point in the movie, drive an extremely cool car that always comes with missiles or machineguns included. Needless to say, I've always wanted to obtain such a vehicle. However, some simply go too far. I'm sure some of you remember the flying car Bond uses in Thunderball. The fact that anything could fly with those paper-thin, cardboard wings bends disbelief even in the Bond world. It's almost on par with flying motorcycles! Almost. Nevertheless, the vehicle featured in Die Another Day tops the flying car. How could this be possible? Simply because Bond now uses an invisible car. At first, you're almost tempted to think it's a cool idea. That is, until you realise that it's really nothing more than a way to save money on the props budget for the movie. After all, I'm sure obtaining an invisible car was much cheaper than any of the cars that Bond has used previously, including even the flying car and its associated cardboard wings. And I doubt they ever had to do maintenance on the invisible car either. Getting it to the scenes would have been extremely easy as well. Finally, it's a tradition that Bond always wrecks the cool cars that he's given. Movie viewers can't help but grimace at the loss of these incredible vehicles. But with the invisible car, it's no real loss at all.
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