You're in!

Today's topic is cell-phones. Chances are, you already have one. You might even be using it to browse this webpage. That really is amazing technology! And I'm sure no one could put it to a better use than browsing this site. Unfortunately, these incredible advances in cell-phone technology come at a hefty price. In terms of both money and sanity. My sanity, in particular. Because it means that I have to put up with them ringing at all the most inopportune times, with drivers who are totally convinced they can yap away while still maintaining total concentration on the road (though in all fairness, this demonstrates a lack in judgement that suggests that they might be impaired drivers, even without the phones), and worst of all, dozens of extremely irritating cell-phone commercials. To be perfectly frank, I don't have a problem with the phones themselves. There are many emergency situations where they can actually be practical and useful. And they can have games like Tetris. You can't go wrong with Tetris. Of course, if you want a portable games system, you can just buy some type of Gameboy. If you want games and a headache, then you need to talk to the cell-phone companies.

It's really more the companies behind the phones that really bother me. First of all, they have been known to gouge people outrageously for the use of their supposedly national networks. Despite this, they're still often able to convince people that they're getting a good deal when they sign up. Usually by offering the phones themselves for free. Of course, as I've already mentioned, the phones aren't really the problem; it's the 'national networks' and their service charges that really dip into the cash. They can also quote incredibly low prices by loading their plans with restrictions, on everything from peak hours to areas of coverage. I swear, most cell-phone plans have more fine print than life insurance policies! And that's a matter of life and death! If you're ever able to negotiate a plan that costs only an arm as opposed to that and a leg, then you're doing really good. And better at bargaining than most, I'd have to add. Needless to say, the commercials for these plans rarely makes this clear.

That brings me to my second point. The advertisements for cell-phones are often nothing short of annoying. And they're growing more prevalent by the day, to boot! The astute might already have noticed that this week's quote comes straight from an incredibly common series of commercials courtesy of Verizon Wireless. They use the decently clever slogan of being in to describe people who have signed into their national in-network coverage. Unfortunately, they proceed to pound this passable catchphrase into the ground with endless repetition. The ads depict people from different walks of life declaring themselves to be in, and expressing surprise that certain other people are also in. Of course, this really begs the question: what are these people really in? In... league to sell as many overpriced Verizon Wireless plans as possible? In... trouble when everyone realises just how much they're being ripped off? In...credulous that they actually agreed to appear on this lame commercial? Whatever the case, if all these people are in, I definitely want out.

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