
This joke actually originated in Super Adventure V. As you probably know, one of the characters was The Man With The Golden Gun, and his actual name was Scaramanga. Which, if you think about it, is an awesome name. In the movie The Man With The Golden Gun, Knick-Knack (the midget) calls him 'Monsieu Scaramanga' with some bizarre French accent. Now that's a cool name.

Anyways, Monsieu Scaramanga also has to talk in the Knick-Knack accent, and so, since he's a big hitman, whenever he tries to kill someone with his golden gun, this is what he does. First of all, Scaramanga walks up to his intended victum, takes out his gun, then says "Hello". After waiting a few moments for his victum to regain their composure, he shoots them. Is that not coo'? Hello.

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