All of this ranting is rather beside the point. My purpose in discussing Harvard Degrees is not really to rant about email diplomas and their authenticity. No, this quote is actually based on something entirely different. As I mentioned several quotes ago, I recently got the opportunity to see the WWE Royal Rumble, and in so doing I noticed several new and rather amusing wrestlers. Of course, the wrestler I'm referring to was not remarkable due to his competence; quite the opposite, in fact. This guy was so generic that he didn't even have a name, and his title would have to go down as one of the worst in wrestling history. Yes, I'm talking about The Wrestler from Harvard. Since he's from Harvard, we're obviously supposed to assume that he's got a Harvard Degree, and this would have to be his most distinctive point. Because he looks utterly generic. His wrestling would probably also be quite generic, but it is rarely on display. That's because Harvard, as he shall now be called, didn't even enter the ring during his first five minutes in the royal rumble. He just ran around the outside posing, rather badly. He was probably busy bragging about either his degree or his insane tuition bills. In any case, Harvard only bothered to come into the ring when he saw an opportunity to push someone from behind. This technique proved useless, but Harvard still spent several moments afterwards to pose. His posing was sharply interrupted when one of the other wrestlers simply tossed him out of the ring, thus eliminating him from the match. What a star. Smart enough to get a Harvard degree, but not to actually defend himself. And if generic wrestler is the best job he can find, then I'd have to admit that degrees just aren't as influential as they used to be.
One might wonder why I'm making a quote out of this rather benign statement. The fact of the matter is that a Univserity Degree can be very influential, especially if it's a PHD. Even degrees from such places as the Bovine University can be very persuasive. Certainly employers would favor those with such prestigious degrees over those without any such evidence of higher learning. But in this day and age, there's really very little excuse for not having a degree. If you're at all like me, then you probably receive offers for university diplomas in your email inbox everyday. They promise accredited degrees will be handed to anyone for the right cost, regardless of their actual skills. In fact, if you have the ability to click on the 'Reply' button and to spend fifty bucks, then you're clearly qualified for a university degree. And these aren't just any degrees. Most of these emails promise to deliver diplomas from some of the most prestigious institutions, such as the university of Sri Lanka. That certainly carries some weight. Best of all, you would now be able to force people to grant you the prefix of 'Dr.'. Of course, if you're foolish enough to pay fifty bucks for that dubious benefit, you probably couldn't get a real degree in the first place.
Not all wrestlers in this age are terrible. Just most. But the guy featured in the picture above is definitely an exception to that rule. Yes, that masked man is none other than Rey Mysterio, the greatest wrestler since the death of Yokozuna. His best characteristics include his Luchador traditions and his rather diminutive height. Yes, although most wrestlers in the WWE are monstrously huge, Mysterio is only 5'4. But this doesn't inhibit his amazing wrestling skills. Unlike most of his colleagues, Mysterio doesn't rely on the outrageously fake punches and kicks, but instead does amazing acrobatic maneuvers. To quote the wrestling commentators, they're absolutely unbelievable! He's clearly a tremendous athlete! In addition, Rey learned all his skills from the Mexcian Wrestlers. Thus, he keeps up their traditions by wearing the mask. And masked wrestlers are clearly great. Even better than wrestlers with degrees.
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