First of all, the plot. There isn't one. But what's mainly confusing (aside from the city having been apparently TAKEN OVER by punks) is that apparently everyone in the game keeps snakes in their houses. Poisonous ones. So that's what happened to all the people! Next, the music. As one friend put it, "It had a good beat for a moment there, but then they turned up the suck again." That sums it up rather nicely. The difficulty is another big problem. Initially, the game seems easy because you can't really lose. Also, Harry appears to be all-powerful. The thugs can throw nets, hit him with boards and bullets, and all he does is flash. On the other hand, it takes only one of Dirty's incredibly slow bullets to kill one of the aforementioned thugs. It really wouldn't be too tough, if one boss wasn't invincible. Seriously. Bullets bounce right off him, and plastic explosives seem to have no effect whatsoever. You CAN'T hurt him! It's just impossible. I figure the game-makers had this in mind, so they wouldn't have to design the other three quarters of the game. So in reality, the only reason to play the game would be to hear the spoken line at the end. But since you can't beat it, even that is ruined. So bad, and yet so amusing. It made my day.
First of all, I must admit that I've never actually seen the movie that bears the same name as the story of this quote. So, I really can't pass judgement on the movie. However, I can pass judgement on the video game that bears the same name. Yes, I am referring to the archaic game called 'Dirty Harry', probably invented before video games themselves. This would, in some ways, explain the incredible faults that this game contains. In general, games that are based off movies are not very good, but this one is the most horrible I've ever seen. The main selling point on the box is that you'll get to hear one of Dirty Harry's lines when you beat the game. Specifically, the "Do you feel lucky?" one. The game also contains the actual quote of the week when you begin. "Go ahead. Make my day. BUY MY GAME! That would really make my day!" At least, that's the way the line should go. Considering the primitive nature of the game, fitting those two lines of voice in likely required all the memory the game could hold. Hence, what remained was an abomination. I'll now review each aspect of the game, and explain why they are so awful.
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