I am the War Chief!

As the picture would suggest, this quote is from Warcraft III, the latest installment in a most excellent series of games. More specifically, this quote comes from the Orcs. Brutish, fearsome and grammatically deficient, the Orcs also have their own language. This fine tongue contains such words as 'Zug-zug!' and 'Dabu!'. Of course, no one really knows what these words mean. Including the Orcs. They might be some sort of acknowledgement, but they could just as likely be some sort of death threat. In any case, I am certainly glad that they continued the tradition of using appropriate orc voices. I swear that the Peon is done by the same person who did the job in Warcraft II. Either way, this quote gives me a good opportunity to rave about the game it comes from. In contrast to any predecessors, Warcraft III features four unique races, all with different advantages and disadvantages. As usual, I tend to judge these things differently from most people, and I will include my analysis below.

The Humans: I can't quite figure out why this team is called the humans. In fact, a good half of their units are actually dwarves! This is actually their biggest advantage. In a world of arms and armor, a dwarf with a GUN is a powerful force indeed. And a giant dwarf with a bad temper is even more powerful! I really don't see how anyone could stand up against a bunch of smokey dwarves. After all, they have tanks. The only disadvantage that plagues the Humans is the fact that they have a few units who aren't dwarves. And they have a very inappropriate team name.

The Orcs: As mentioned above, Orcs have several advantages, including their unique language. They also have Grunts, who are physical powerhouses. On the other hand, they're as dumb as rocks. And that would almost be an insult to the rocks. There's no way they could stand up to the smokey ingenuity of the dwarves.

Night Elves: There's no way a bunch of tree-hugging Elves could stand up to sturdy dwarves, even if they're not afraid to come out at night. There's a reason that Elven Archers were replaced by Dwarven Gunners and Artillery Squads. The Night Elves do have mobile bases, but those really only serve to help them pack up and flee when faced with a giant, grumpy dwarf.

The Undead: A race with an insane desire to consume brains. As you can guess, this makes them fairly dangerous. They also have the Meat-Wagon, which is a brillant concept for a unit. It launches rancid meat upon its foes, and is sure to carve a path through even the most resiliant defenders.

In any case, all must agree that Warcraft III has great voice samples. Aside from the ones discussed above, there are also referances to Iron Chef and the 'Bad Guy', otherwise known as Razor Ramon. Starcraft also featured some good lines, although not as many. My favorite was Artanis' strident defence of Starcraft's originality. "This isn't just Warcraft in space! It's much more sophisticated!" Along those same lines, I believe Warcraft III should definitely have included the following quote: "This isn't just Starcraft on horses! It's much more medieval!"

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