The Grinch

Dr. Seus was a literary genius. Far more skilled than the so-called greats like Dickens, Elliot and others who can't vary their topics from coal mines. I believe there should be entire classes devoted to the study of Seus books. English profs could search for meanings in each and every line, revealing these findings to the students so they could fully understand the 'real theme' of the story. For example, I can see one prof lecturing as such: "So, here on page five we have the introduction and elucidation of another important character: The Zans for Cans. What does this Zans represent and why should you have one? Why, it's a message to remove land mines of course! From coal mines!" You can probably tell I'm not an english major, but maybe I would be if they offered such Seus related courses.

But enough of all that grinching. It's time to get down to the quote itself. As all should know, it comes from the animated cartoon of The Grinch who Stole Christmas, although I doubt it's exactly word for word correct. The Grinch is a great character, especially because he is able to turn the word 'grinch' into a verb, adjective, noun, weapon, whatever he needs at the time. Plus, he can go through very narrow chimneys, which is truly quite amazing. And he cleans out a whole town in one night! This is the best burglar the world has ever seen. The Grinch also made an appearance in a recent roleplaying game. The heroes were climbing Mount Crumpet, all the way to the summit. While skiing down the other side, they suddenly encountered the Grinch in his sled who wanted to 'stop them from coming.' He also had a thorn whip to reinforce his plan (something he never thought of in the cartoon!). Anyway, despite doing amazing flips in his sleigh the heroes were able to outmaneuver him. But still, the Grinch is fear, since he can have the strength of ten two!

Some would say the Grinch's most recent claim to fame would be the new live movie released starring Jim Carrey. Bah! I wish I could've stopped that movie from coming! The movie is much too noisy. All the noise, noise, noise. But I think I've mentioned my feelings on this topic before. The Grinch should've stolen this movie before it could be shown, it would probably have been easier than casing Whoville.

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