The Golfer

First of all, just let me say that this quote does not at all represent the author's own views. I'm sure golf is actually quite a physically demanding sport. The golfers are required to walk to the ball from their nearby golf carts and back. And their caddies must carry heavy bags of golf clubs around the links, unless of course they too are riding in the aforementioned golf cart. Alright, so it's not physically demanding, but I won't deny that it requires skill. It's also quite dangerous. I've heard of golfers being struck by lightning, and killing themselves by hitting their golf clubs against trees. (This causes the club to twist and break, sending the head into the owner's head...) By that definition, golf should be considered an EXTREME sport. With all these risks, not to mention balls flying left and right, I'm surprised any golfers make it to the green at all.

Speaking of this danger is what brings me to the main thrust of this rambling story. Lately, video games have been blamed for a lot of the violence in our society, or even role playing games. I have heard of at least a couple movies that involve frustrated role players going insane and embarking on killing sprees. My question is, how come there is no show about golfers going insane? If you ask me, it's just about as likely. Thus I came up with the proposed TV series, 'The Golfer'. It's about a golfer who gets frustrated 'cause his ball falls in the sandtrap for the zillionth time. So he decides to go on a rampage on the links. The series would follow him as he puts land mines on the green, sets up a sniper position in the sandtrap and bombs the clubhouse with nearby artillery. The show would focus on the effort to stop this madman. Naturally, the hero would be some famous golfer the police call in 'because he knows the course better than anyone else alive.' This whole process would be complicated by the elderly people who refuse to give up their games of golf despite the MORTAL DANGER involved. I'm telling you, that's prime time material.

The actual source of this 'controversial' quote is my former history teacher, who is also a tennis master and the champion of SUPER QUIZ. He's one cool guy. One day, he was badmouthing golf just as the french teacher (who loves golf, and is also head of his department) stuck her head in the doorway. Later on, in her class, she started badmouthing tennis. Coincidence?

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