
I'm not usually about doing mainstream quotes. Of course, this one is only mainstream in Japan, where reliable sources tell me that it has been sweeping through the population like wildfire. As such, I feel it to be nothing less than my duty to spread knowledge about this ridiculous quote. Now, I'm aware that this might backfire; it might cause even native english speakers to talk in a poorly translated version of their own language. Still, I feel that it's past time that Japan was featured in another quote, especially given how many I've already devoted to France. I think it's fair to say that France would gladly surrender the spotlight to Japan. As well as their capital, but that's another story entirely, and one I don't intend to get into here.

As I mentioned previously, I have no personal experience with this quote. However, one of my friends is currently living in Japan, and they tell me that this "Get's!" thing is sweeping that country. If Godzilla movies can be believed, we already know that english in Japan is not particularly accurate, especially when used to depict giant rubbery monsters that are in the process of crushing the captial city. Of course, Godzilla movies also indicate that the Japanese vocabulary is limited to such words as "Run!" and "Oh no!" repeated in varying states of panic. In any case, this quote comes specifically from some guy on a variety show named Dandy Sakano. His picture is featured above, and it relates rather nicely that his fashion sense is no better than his grasp of english. At the moment, Sakano's big thing is to say "Get's!" all the time. I'm not at all sure when or why he says it, mostly because it has no real meaning. Regardless, it seems to be one of those catchphrases that has embedded itself into Japanese pop culture, and is thus repeated by school kids everywhere. Much to the chagrin of the older population, I'm sure. It's the sort of weird word you'd probably get from those zany translators who brought us Godzilla.

I don't know too much about this Dandy Sakano fellow, but I think he's some sort of JPop singer. Although I hesitate to term anyone related to JPop as a singer. Because that's an insult to many other singers. Anyway, Sakano has apparently just released a new album, likely intended only to capitalise on his suprisingly famous tagline. My sources indicate that this album is entitled "Oh! Nice Get's!". That says about all you really need to know about it, frankly. Probably more. In conclusion, I have to say that Dandy Sakano might be the worst thing to happen to the English language since George W. Bush began his presidential run and decided that humans and fish could indeed coexist.

Before I finish, I should give props to my source in Japan, who continues to be a tireless source of global quotes. I also have to give credit to this webpage, where I got the wacky picture of Dandy Sakano and most of my information about him. Although some might accuse me of being unamerican, I have to say that adding global appeal to this page is a great thing. After all, nothing brings nations together like ridiculous quotes from other cultures. Well, that and Coca-Cola. Which could really be considered the sponsor of the planet Earth, since they sponsor almost everything on it. That's what pop culture is really all about.

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