This quote also serves as famous last words. Anyone should know that garlic breath is one of the most dangerous things known to mankind. It outstrips fire breath any day of the week! If you doubt that, just recall the fact that Garlic kills vampires. Does fire? I think not! Anything that can destroy such powerful undead creatures is surely extremely potent. In fact, garlic is one of the main factors suspected of causing the death of the Urban Peasant. Well, that and booze. In moderation, people say that garlic can be good for your health. They say the same thing about booze. Ishihara would surely be shocked by that fact. Not as shocked as he would have been to see Iron Chef Stir-Fry STUFFING all that garlic into his spaghetti sauce. However, we should truly be grateful for the Iron Chef's boldness. It really speaks of his personality. And if people didn't do crazy things like that, I would have run out of quotes long ago. Plus, that secret recipe has probably made Stir-Fry the most potent vampire hunter in the world. At least, until the leftovers run out.
This quote is best read when wearing a tasteless orange suit. Why, you may ask? Well, Ishihara would certainly be amazed by this quote. Of course, Ishihara is amazed by almost anything, including stuffing garlic into anything else! Ishihara is one of the panelists on Iron Chef, and he gets very loud when excited. He also wears extremely tacky orange suits. What a celebrity. I don't have too much to say about this quote. It was submitted to me by the one I will refer to as Iron Chef Stir-Fry. He is a master of the Stir-Fry culinary school. Apparently this does not include garlic, though. But if you listen to the Master of Garlic (another challenger on Iron Chef), this spice actually takes years to truly master. I've had quotes about spices on this webpage before, mainly Oregano, so I figured that putting up this brillant garlic quote would be a fine idea.
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