Juvenile Delinquents

First off, I should note that this is a Mystery Science Theater joke. So you should keep that in mind. This time, the poor victims are being shown a 'short' (short pre-movie, also known as a 'short'. How about that?) about juvenile delinquency. Of course, the add is counter-delinquency and really old. Rather pointless, too. Featured in this film are some delinquents who are messin' up the town by...rushing to the library to study! (They say this with rebellious enthusiasm, no less.) Later it shows these same delinquents rushing from their car towards city hall. One of them shouts out, "C'mon guys! Let's hurry and VOTE!" Man, the things delinquents get up to these days. The streets just aren't safe anymore when crazy kids go around...VOTING.

Soon, we're probably gonna see even more of this trend in our society. Young delinquents will soon be excited by the prospect of going to give blood, or mowing the lawn. This revolution has even already started! Formerly, I remember seeing toughs hangin' out around trash cans. Now, I keep noticing groups of the same type of punks hanging out by cosmo bins! Instead of sticking near the trash, they're now big into recycling! I do find it strange that the local cosmo bin would be the 'hang-out', but what do I know?

"Yeah, we're cool hangin' out by this cosmo bin. Uh-huh. Quick, let's go recycle!"

Alright, so that whole revolution thing is false. But it still leaves the mystery of the cosmo bin, which will remain as long as cosmo exists.

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