The basic idea of this quote came about when one of my deliberately annonymous friends made an abrupt conversation swerve, one dark and stormy night. No, don't worry, this isn't a scary tale; merely a strange one. I believe we were discussing the Reform party, and how much it allegedly sucked, when suddenly the person in question said, "I wish I had the ability to fly! It would solve all my problems!" Immiediately, it was pointed out that it would not solve any problems, really, aside from the obvious problem of his inability to fly. After all, being able to fly wouldn't help trips too much (which I believe was the issue of contention) 'cause you couldn't carry enough baggage with you. So it was decided that only the Natural Law party would finance research towards the 'Ability to Fly'. Of course, that's when an old woman peeked her head through the window and said, "Verrrrry interesting. They want my ability to fly!" And anyone who believes that probably thinks that Davy Crokett is still alive today.
It should be noted that later in the same conversation, the same guy suddenly went on a tangent about how great it would be if we could 'harnass the power of volcanoes'. Once again, all of a sudden. Wait a minute! Cripe! That was gonna be next week's Quote, and a whole 'nother story too. Oh vell.