No one can explain this strange phenomenon (actual line from commercial), it just started happening. Reports of these case of spontaneously exploding food start to pour into the Food Network's offices. Of course, since they are the national authority on food, they are expected to deal with the problem. They would begin by covering it up to avoid a panic, and then sending Flay on various far-fetched missions. I can just imagine Flay running into a kitchen and ushering people out the exit yelling, "Run! That pot of soup is about to EXPLODE!" Flay would be seen making wild dashes to supermarkets in order to reposition the soon-to-explode potatos in less damaging places. It would be quite the show.
Bobby Flay, misspelled on his own restaurant's homepage as 'Bobby Flan', is the coiner of this quote. For those who don't know, and there should be many, Flay is a famous food network chef who was recently flayed in the Iron Chef New York Battle. This does not at all affect his new show, though. Premiering this fall, it involves him checking up on all the new 'homegrown' forms of cuisine springing up in the 'States. Hence this week's quote, from a commercial for the aforementioned show. However, if you think about it carefully, the quote holds a much deeper meaning. It reveals the true nature of this new food show, as the first hybrid cooking/paranormal drama. The show will likely start by showing a bunch of carrots sitting peacefully on a counter. Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, they explode in a giant mass of fire and carrot shrapnel. That's right; food is starting to explode all over this country, and only special food network operative Bobby Flay can stop it.