The scene opens up as a young woman walks through the forest. Suddenly, she pauses by a clear running stream. "What a pretty rock..!" she says, gazing intently into the clear water. Then, kneeling down, she reaches her hand in to grab said rock. Suddenly, a fish swims by at lightning quick speeds. "That fish took my watch! Help! Stop that fish!"
The chase is on. This is a job for the FISH POLICE. Suddenly, a guy who looks like a fisherman leaps out of the bushes with a fishing-rod and says, "Stop or I cast!" The fish doesn't stop, so he gets caught by the rod. Later, the FISH POLICE officer is taking the criminal fish away, wrapped in hand-cuffs. "You're going up the river." he declares as the finishing punch line.
Yes, this quote is yet another from the boundless source that is SCTV. But despite being satirical in nature, it provides some keen insight into today's society. Here we all thought fishermen were just out for relaxation and their own pass-time, when infact, they're out there everyday saving us from the menace of criminal fish. Truly, they are the only line separating us from the madness of the fishy forces. Well, them and that High-liner captain. Nothing can slip past him, I tell you! But this reminds me of that old show, Sharky and George. An underwater detective show. Now that's gotta be great! Where do they come up with ideas like that? Next thing you know, it's gonna be a bug-run restaurant in Mexico. Wait. They already did that one too. Sharky and George...they had a great theme song.
Sometimes, fish just don't want to follow human laws. That's when they call in...the FISH POLICE!
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