One Million Dollars

This is yet another quote originating from the Birdman cartoon series. As you may notice, I've kinda been developping a theme lately. Fact is, there are just so many funny and stupid lines in that show, and I'm the kind of man who, rain or shine, can't resist. Using them, that is. Similar to my earlier Birdman quote, this one is used by villains in the series. In this case, our demented enemy is none other than X The Eliminator (you can see his picture on the main page), an evil master-mind who lacks the intelligence to cut a hole for his mouth in his mask. But that's not his biggest weakness. His greatest fault is his incredibly poor financial planning. He spends far more money on his incredibly elaborate props for each job than he could possibly receive for them.

To demonstrate this, I will relate an example from the episode he features in. F.E.A.R. (clever acronym, eh?), the evil organisation, has decided they need to eliminate Birdman. Rather than do it themselves, they propose to hire X The Eliminator to do this task. Bear in mind that Birdman has already foiled their schemes hundreds of times, resulting in losses for F.E.A.R. ranging in the hundreds of millions. Also, they know that Birdman is pretty much invincible. As such, they'd practically be willing to pay any price to get rid of him. Fortunately, they don't have to, because X offers to do it for a smug "One million dollars." Stifling pure laughter, no doubt, F.E.A.R. responds, "One a high price. But if you can do it, we'll pay." X then proceeds to go and spend far more than his eventual earning of one million dollars, and even fails to eliminate Birdman in the process. For your viewing pleasure, I've assembled X's bill for this particular mission. As you'll be able to see, the numbers just don't add up. Or, more likely, they add up real high. Bear in mind, all of these prices are estimates, as I'm not really sure what DESTRUCTO missiles are, let alone how much they cost.

X's Bill

1 device to shortcircuit a launching space shuttle, causing it to EXPLODE -- 1,000,000.
1 Island Fortress with a floor that opens up to a pit which crushes people -- 1,500,000.
1 super jet-fighter, probably bought used -- 1,000,000.
Fuel for this super-jet. (Counting the prices of gas these days...) -- 440,400,604,640.
4 DESTRUCTO missiles, to be launched at Birdman. (Definitely used) -- 400,000.
1 Parachute -- 1,000.
1 Life Sentence In Prison -- Priceless.

As we can all doubtless see, the one million in revenue X could potentially receive in no way covers the bill he has to pay. In conclusion, heroes really don't need to defeat X. If they just wait a few months, he'll inevitably go bankrupt.

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