The Amazing Rando
And Eastman

Both this quote and this ensuing tale have been inspired by the MYST3K movie, wherein the quote is said to ridicule special effects master Rando, and one of the companies, Eastman. We've all heard of Eastman, right? Why, they're responsible for all those great movies like 'This Island Earth'. Waitaminute, that's not reinforcing my point. Oh vell, I shall get on with this massive undertaking.

This is the tale of two titans, men with enough pure power and influence to crack the world asunder, should they so wish. One was Rando, often referred to as Amazing (especially during his cheesy magic trick acts). The other came out of the east, and his name was, fittingly enough, Eastman. He was not pleased with the special effects provided for his autobiographical movie, 'This Island Earth', and he knew that the Amazing Rando was the one behind the scenes of its box office failure. In rage, the Eastman fled the East, ridiculed by vast crowds of screaming fanatics, and came to do battle with the amazing Rando. Of course, the Amazing One didn't have time for Eastman's minor complaints. He was currently supporting the Natural Law Political Party's latest platform, which would involve discovering the Ability to fly and harnessing the powers of volcanoes. As such, he decided to ignore Eastman. But his aggressor would have none of it, and so the two men met in mortal combat. Of course, since Eastman was just a crappy guy in a hat, and Rando was amazing, the outcome was fairly predictable. The conclusion of this epic will have to wait until I have the time/motivation to make it, but you can be assured that it will be a sweeping finish to this epic.

Yeah, well, it's all just a fiction. Nope, no basis in fact. I don't have any outside resources about siree, I'm just a crazy writer.

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