You could have picked a better spot!

A trend seems to be emerging with my most recent quotes. They seem to involve dwarves, Lord of the Rings and general insanity. Of course, that last isn't a new trend at all, so I won't deal with it here. Instead, I will comment on the fact that this is the second Lord of the Rings quote in a row, and the also the second that prominently features Gimli the Dwarf. This is certainly due to the fact that I recently saw The Two Towers, the second movie made from the LotR trilogy, and found it to be a most excellent film indeed. Any who doubt this should simply go see it right now. In fact, any who haven't yet seen this movie should go do so. Now. After all, it's promised to be at theaters near you, so there's no excuse for missing it. This is one of those rare cases where I actually offer advice that is worth following. Especially since doing so guarantees you more enjoyment than this quote could possibly offer you. In other words, you should only be contiuing to read this page if you have seen the movie.

Alright, since all reading this far should have seen The Two Towers, I can now delve in greater detail into this quote. First of all, I must admit that there are some people who do have complaints about the new LotR movie. They claim that too much is changed from the books, and that there are too many attempts at humour within the film. Frankly, I don't see how anyone can object to a movie that features a massive battle for the entirety of its last hour. And these battle scenes are as good as they get. Furthermore, if you thought Gimli was awesome in the last movie, you will be only more impressed by his contribution this time around. Unlike the previous movie, he actually gets many lines this time, and delivers them in a perfectly shmokey fashion. This alone makes the movie worth viewing. Of course, Gimli is used as the comic relief within the film, a role which he fills admirably. Some would complain that this humour is a bit 'over the top', but scenes with a dwarf are really just begging for jokes of some kind. As you should already be aware, this quote originates from Gimli.

There are three important things to note about Dwarves. First of all, they're very short. Secondly, they have huge beards. Finally, they always talk rather like Sean Connery. It's the first of these facts that is important in this situation. A huge army of Orcs sent by Saruman is marching on the heroes' fortress. Of course, the protagonists are vastly outnumbered. For dramatic purposes, it couldn't be any other way. Gimli is awaiting the arrival of the enemy on the walls of the fortress, along with Legolas the elf. In fact, the ramparts are lined with soldiers, who are all intently watching the approach of the ominous orc army. All, that is, save Gimili, who is merely watching the stone wall in front of him. Being merely four feet tall, only his helmet peeks above the top of the wall. This position gives him good cover, but a rather poor view of the approaching enemy. That's when he declares to Legolas, rather irately, that: "You could have picked a better spot!" But you'd be hard pressed to pick a better character than Gimli the Dwarf.

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