As you can tell, Dracula was a very scary opponent. But this quote isn't just about him. In celebration of Halloween, I intend to ramble on about several other scary things, all in the hopes of terrifying viewers like you. And if none of this stuff scares you, then clearly nothing would. Compiling such a horrifying list of things has been quite scary in its own right. Only the scariest sights, the most chilling visuals and the most frightening things have been considered for this account. Some of them even have hands on their arms and eyes on their head. Some of them even like to play dead! In the end, due to time constraints, I've settled on one incredibly scary thing.
It's monstrous. It's huge. It's really, really big. And contrary to what you may suspect, it's not a Fat Man in a Speedo. Although that is admittedly scary. The creature I refer to is even larger than a Fat Man. Yes, I am talking about an Elephant.
As Halloween approaches, I thought it only appropriate to feature a very scary quote. And this one is as scary as they come. It actually originates from my Deep Space roleplaying campaign, in which one of the characters is a mortician. As we all know, doctors deal with the live patients, and morticians end up with all the rest. Thus, it is easy to imagine that Undead would be part of any mortician's worst nightmares. Corpses that never really die would fall into neither jurisdiction, thus rendering the entire system invalid. As such, this mortician's greatest foe was Dracula. It's still a matter of debate whether Dracula is actually undead or not. He does spend a great deal of time sleeping in his coffin and then bursting out to spread his infernal darkness. And he claims to have the 'Powers of Darkness!' which mostly seem to involve weak psychic attacks. This quote actually comes from one of the many battles against Dracula. Whenever struck by an opponent's attack, Dracula always claims that no mortal weapon can harm him. However, the next hit would often cause the evil count to change his opinion, and admit that maybe it could. This was usually at the point of his defeat. Of course, no one really knows what to do with Dracula once he has been defeated, and thus he has returned many times for more fierce battles. And each time, he grows more powerful than ever!
These things are HUGE! Not only that, they're also unstoppable! When an Elephant starts to charge, there's almost NOTHING that can stand in its way! Although some may consider Elephants to be peaceful creatures, others know that Elephants can be as bad as they come. Their ability to cause rampant destruction is undeniable. There's clearly something terrifying about anything alive that's built like a tank. With a worse temper. In conclusion, the scariest Halloween sight would likely be a herd of Elephants charging through your neighborhood. So, if you're looking for a scary costume, you need look no further.
On a very disturbingly different note, I hear there's a new Eddie Murphy movie coming out. The fact that he's still got a career is perhaps one of the scariest things of all.
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