You're Sensational!

This quote also serves as one of the best greeting lines I've ever heard. Normally, when someone enters a room and finds people they don't know, they often begin by saying "Hello", "Hi" or some variation to that effect. However, in this case, the man barges in and demands to know who these kids are. Of course, this is coming from Steve Shimmer, after all, who is an undeniable jerk. Steve Shimmer hails from an episode of Scooby-Doo, involving a haunted roller-disco called 'Sparkles' and a Neon Phantom. Personally, I thought the idea of a roller-disco on its own was scary enough. Any place that combines roller-skating and disco balls has got to be more frightening than the Neon Phantom, but that's beside the point. The point is that Steve Shimmer is one of the partial owners of 'Sparkles'. He's a big man who wears a sparkling white jacket at all times, which is also apparently made of rubber. (This is proven when one of the characters simply BOUNCES OFF Steve Shimmer, having no effect on him at all!) Steve also enjoys driving a jeep, hoarding things that don't belong to him on his desk and using the underappreciated word 'Sensational!' as often as possible.

But of course, Steve Shimmer's main characteristic is his uncontrallable need to be a jerk. Truly, I've rarely seen anyone act as obnoxious as Steve, while still being so lazy. I've already mentioned the example of Steve's usual greeting line, but there are many others. The one I will relate below occurs moments later, when the other part-owner of 'Sparkles', Joey Cassette (don't you love the names?) mentions that the Neon Phantom is driving people away from the roller disco. Shimmer responds with the following line: "I want to close this place down as soon as possible." Joey quickly answers: "Never! I'll buy out your share first!" Rather than discussing this sensible suggestion, Steve Shimmer merely leaves without a word, ignoring Joey completely. Of course, he's too lazy to actually shut the place down, or to simply catch the Phantom himself. However, as mentioned above, the Phantom truly isn't very scary. It's much more likely that Steve Shimmer himself was scaring people away from 'Sparkles' with his obnoxious attitude and by demanding what they were doing there.

This would doubtless be far more terrifying than the Neon Phantom. This 'scary' phantom wears a skin-tight spandex suit with glowing neon lights strapped all over him. Yeah, he's real bright. His hobbies include destroying radio stations, pulling out power cables and running out the front door of 'Sparkles' screaming in a whiny voice for no apparent reason. Oh yes, he can also turn 'invisible'. By invisible, I mean he turns off his neon lights making him just as visible as any normal person. There's no way this goof could scare anyone away.

Only the sensational Steve Shimmer could manage that.

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