Starscream: I will rule the universe, even if I am the only one left in the universe.
(I have the feeling that if the universe were to go down, Starscream, of all people, would not be the one to survive...)
Dr. Archevil: Remember our agreement, Megatron: the Earth is to be mine once you are through with it.
Megatron: It will be. What's left of it!
(Ahh, Dr. Archevil - you've met your match!)
Starscream: It looks like some kind of... rust!
Megatron: Impossible! We are rust-proof!
Starscream: Perhaps you're made of shoddy materials, Megatron!
Megatron: That's ABSURD!
(Which brings me to an interesting point. The first few Transformers episodes go to great lengths to explain how ruthless, merciless and powerful Megatron truly is. Despite this, he seems to tolerate an awful lot from Starscream. I mean, the guy is always making mocking comments about his leadership, or claiming that HIS TIME HAS COME to be the leader. Within hearing distance of Megatron. And yet Starscreamm only rarely gets shot - though I should note that those few occaisons are very enjoyable indeed.)
Starscream: It was the Triplechangers, they tricked me!
Megatron: You're either lying or stupid.
Starscream: I'm stupid! I'm stupid!
(And it's not like Starscream's so competent that they can't afford to get rid of him. Don't forget that it's actually his shots that end up engaging the repair sequence that fixes the Autobots after the crash landing on Earth in the first place.)
Megatron: Can't Thrust carry out a simple mission?
Starscream: I think the answer is obvious.
Once again, props to the man who sent me all these quotes. His knowledge of Transformers eclipses even my own. Stay tuned for next week, when the sleek symbol will spin around to the Autobot side and I will present you with more of these very fine quotes, including pieces of Optimus Prime's sage wisdom. Which could sell great as a self-help or philosophy book, I'm sure. I can see it now: The philosophical implications of Transformers: a review of the ideologies of energy conservation presented by Megatron and Optimus Prime. Or how about: The Constructicons Present New Construction Safety Standards, which basically include the wise adage not to take them on in combat. You could even have: Paleontology for a New Century - A Study of Dinobot Anatomy, or perhaps more accurately, the bestselling autobiography: Me Grimlock King!
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