Be that as it may, it doesn't change the fact that MST3K is a great show. If you need further background on the basic premise of the show, please check back through my quotes archives. I've already covered that stuff several times, and putting it here would only turn this quote into a rerun, the likes of which would surely be mocked by CROOOOOW and the gang, were they able to see it. Instead, I intend to present a series of great MST3K quotes, and provide a bit of my own commentary on them. It looks like I have Quote Signal, so it's time to get started!
All: We've got movie signal!
Gypsy: Tom, I don't get you.
Tom: This movie stops at nothing...and stays there.
Crow: Dr. Who...the hell cares.
That about wraps it up. As I conclude, I would just like to take this moment to thank the people who made this quote possible. They include the makers of MST3K itself, the providers of their measly budget, and the man who compiled and sent me this list of quote suggestions. I am, as always, extremely grateful to receive such great quotes. And now I'll give you a great suggestion: Go watch some MST3K! You won't regret it, unless you somehow manage to rent Manos: The Hands of Fate.
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If you see only 10000 movies this year, make sure this isn't one of them.
However, in this case, I'm not at all referring to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie, which is a million times better than the classic film it mocks. In fact, I've noticed that classic almost always tends to be a codeword for crappy. For example, the original Planet of the Apes was considered a classic movie. Similarly, Charlton Heston was reknowned as a classic actor. In fact, the only case where this doesn't hold true is with my corporate sponsors over at Coca-Cola Classic incorporated.
Like I was just saying, it would be rather appropriate if I had some sort of Quote signal. After all, most of my quotes are no better than the movies the bots are forced to watch, and that way I could disable the signal to build my own robot friends. Of course, 'friend' might be too strong a word, since they would probably just try to take any hamburgers that I might possess.
Tom: Nobody does. I'm the wind, baby!
I'll have to agree with Gypsy on this one. I'm a big CROOOW fan, as the quote at the top of this page should hopefully tell you. And though Servo may be distantly related to Gigantor, I still have to confess that he can't quite measure up to CROOOW's witty repartee and really long name.
Much like all the movies they're forced to watch. And most of this webpage, for that matter.
In my mind, a brillant cut against all those who admired that really old and weird Dr. Who show. Seriously, if the good doctor can't even come up with his own name, I'm quite sure that he can't be in, if you know what I mean. In short, I would never diagnose or advise watching any of those old Dr. Who episodes, and if you dare to do so, I can only say that your prognosis will be pain.
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