It's Feeding Time!

There's only two things you really need to know about this quote. First, it originates from the Crocodile Hunter, less commonly known as Steve Irwin. And secondly, said Crocodile Hunter is completely insane. In a funny way, mind you. In order to grasp this fact, one needs only to watch even a small portion of his self-titled show, Crocodile Hunter. In this hillarious program, Steve goes trekking through various remote and wild locations to track down the most rare reptiles. Coincidently, these reptiles also turn out be INCREDIBLY dangerous. Despite his supposed expertise, Steve seems to come pretty close to biting it every episode. A good example is when he wrestles with the crocodiles, after exclaiming about how HUGE and DANGEROUS they are in his thick Australian accent. Another noteworthy line is used right before he wrestles a particularly large croc. "She could tear your arm RIGHT OFF!" exclaims an excited Steve before dangling his unprotected leg in the water to attract the beast. In another episode, Steve encounters an incredibly poisonous species of snakes. With various exclaimations of 'Crikey!' and 'What a beauty!', Steve proceeds to pick up the deadly snake by its tail. Seconds, later, the snake spits its poisonous venom on the Crocodile Hunter's face. Despite this dangerous circumstance, Steve doesn't forget to narrate his actions to the camera. "Whoa! I've gotta get this venom off my face as soon as possible!" Moments later, Steve washes his face in an incredibly dirty puddle, which is probably almost as dangerous as the snake he was just handling.

The motivation behind using this quote came from an article I recently read in the local newspaper which stated that the Crocodile Hunter was fifth on the list of Australia's highest-earning entertainers. That's quite a good salary for a job that proports to be hosting a nature show. Of course, it's the incredible and insane danger that Steve puts himself through that makes the show worth watching. I am still wondering if it's worth it for Steve, who seems to put himself at huge risk everytime he jumps into a lake with a crocodile. Regardless, the appeal of the show is plain. Steve embodies the Australian stereotype that Crocodile Dundee first pioneered. I'm just waiting for the Crocodile Hunter to belittle all other knives, before pulling out a BIG KNIFE of his own. Crikey! His knife would be HUGE!

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