The movie makes good use of Steve's incredible enthusiasm for extreme
danger. In fact, that's really what makes it funny. It really is amusing to watch the Crocodile Hunter chase down some of the most dangerous snakes in the world and then grab them by their tails. As he attempts to avoid being bitten, Steve breathlessly explains that this snake's venom could kill ten men like
him in a few seconds flat. Of course, these monologues are often interupted
as Steve barely avoids being bitten, all the while exclaiming in a baffled fashion about how the snake's getting angry, and would bite him if at all possible. This is probably due to the fact that he's pulling on the reptile's tail repeatedly, but Steve doesn't seem to realise that. He also has a similarly dangerous encounter with a very deadly spider. Once again, the Crocodile Hunter is baffled by the fact that the spider is going into an attack position even as he pokes it with a stick. It can't get more exciting than that!
Of course, in this movie, it does. The story involves a secret U.S. spy satellite which crashes down to Earth and is swiftly eaten by a large crocodile.
Obviously, this satellite contains information which must be recovered and several secret agents are dispatched to accomplish this task. As you can guess, this is really just an excuse for Steve to wrestle the massive croc and get pulled out of his boat numerous times. In any case, the agents soon must confront Steve in their attempts to recover the satellite capsule. The Crocodile Hunter, of course, thinks that they're poachers, even when they start tossing dynamite at his boat. That's when he uses this quote. The best part about this is that Steve still gives his monologues, even while confronting the 'poachers'. In the middle of one such fight, he turns to the non-existent camera crew and talks about how he's going to have to teach this poacher a lesson. All with a bunch of 'Crikeys!' thrown in there, of course.
This is another
quote from the Crocodile Hunter, less commonly referred to as
Steve Irwin. Now, I've already had a quote dealing with this topic.
However, I recently had the pleasure of seeing the Crocodile Hunter
Movie, and I feel it definitely deserves a quote of its own. Yes, the
movie did actually have a title, but that just wasn't important. Neither
was the plot, really. The movie could basically be described as a bunch
of cut-scenes involving the Crocodile Hunter, with some sort of story used
only as an excuse to get Steve into incredibly dangerous situations. Not
that he usually needs one, anyway. In fact, the Crocodile Hunter will often
leap into a wrestling match with a huge croc with an exclaimed 'Crikey!' as his only apparent motivation.
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