This Allistair Cookie...Good evening.

Monsterpiece Theater was always my favorite part of Sesame Street. There were a fair number reasons for this, that all combined to form a very funny segment. First of all, it was a very good parody of Masterpiece theater. They even had the host Allistair Cookie (As opposed to Allistair Cooke. Clever! I must say, very clever!) who lounged about and tried to butter up his stories with frequently disjointed and disconnected commentary. Of course, the primary strength of Monsterpiece was its host; Allistair Cookie was just amusing to watch. He was predictable, I'll give him that, but it was great all the same. Everyone just KNEW that he would eat his pipe, a cookie, or both at the end of the segment. It was also awesome how his googly eyes were frequently gazing the wrong direction, away from the camera. I'm not sure if that was intentional though..

I once played a character based entirely on Cookie Monster, and principally, Allistair Cookie. He was a Phurry, a member of the huge race that were covered with various shades of shag. He like a rug. A SHAG rug. Anyway, Al Cookie was incredibly strong, and he had a cookie shield, which he either ate, or used to disembowel his enemies. I think he even owned a lounging robe, and would often sit around the campfire dressed in said garment, whilst ostentatiously sticking his pipe in his mouth. Afterwards, he would quickly eat the pipe. But what more could be expected? He didn't even get any penalties to hit because of his googly eyes..Sadly, though, both campaign and character were destined to be shortlived, and thus ended the adventures of Al Cookie.

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