I suppose a bit of explaination is in order. The Royal Rumble consists of 30 wrestlers, one entering the ring each minute or so. Wrestlers are eliminated if they are thrown over the top rope. As such, the goal is to be the last man standing in the ring. This is obviously easier for number 30 than number 1, but since it's scripted anyway, it doesn't really matter. The general flow of events would include many wrestlers stumbling about the ring in a tired daze, until the new person would come running in. This person would have a few seconds of beating on everyone else in the ring before they too would start stumbling around, usually in time for the arrival of the next guy. And if the next guy is an annonymous wrestler with a name like Joe Demott, you know he'a going out in seconds. We may be aware of this, but the commentators apparently aren't. After years of watching matches, they still don't realise that the annonymous wrestlers are just there as cannon-fodder for their more popular colleagues. That's where this quote came from. Joe Demott was like the tenth guy in. He looked extremely generic, and started fake-punching people left and right. This was clearly incredible to the commentators, and they quickly declared that "Joe Demott could win this thing!" Can you really imagine a WWE champion having a name like Joe Demott? I don't think so. True to form, the commentators had barely finished declaring what an amazing athlete Joe was before he was unceremoniously tossed from the ring. Apparently, this was also incredible to the commentators.
In conclusion, I think it would be awesome to have my own team of personal wrestling commentators. I would only need to do extremely generic things, and they would declare me both incredible and an amazing athlete. Of course, if they ever declared that I was about to win something, it would be a sure sign that I was destined to lose. Despite all their experience, wrestling commentators can never call the winner to event. What seems extremely predictable to the rest of us is an unsolvable riddle for them. And if that weren't the case, wrestling would not be nearly as much fun to watch.
Note that I don't really have anything against Joe Demott. But if he ever wants to be the WWE champion, he's going to need a better alias. On the upside, it wouldn't be hard to come up with a better alias than Joe Demott. Even The Wrestler from Harvard is a better name...You should also note that the picture used for this quote does not feature Joe Demott. Pictures of Demott are likely rather hard to find. Instead, it's a picture of Mean Gene, one of the best commentators of all times. He also has Demott beat in the name department.
This is UNBELIEVABLE! I'm actually doing another quote on the topic of wrestling. Wrestling Commentators would clearly declare this to be an extraordinary event, and probably describe me as an amazing athlete. They tend to do that sort of thing. In fact, their tendancies for massive exageration have inspired this quote. Now, I haven't really been following wrestling since the days of Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior and Yokozuna. I've also done a few jabs at Stone Cold Steve Austin, but that just couldn't be avoided. However, I recently had the chance to watch the WWE (as they have to call it) Royal Rumble, and I found it to be vastly amusing. I was also amazed by how fake some of the wrestling appeared. Either the skills have really degenerated over time, or I just couldn't notice how fake the punches looked when I was young. But that's beside the point. Everyone knows that pro wrestling is fake. But many people don't realise how funny it can be. And not just the wrestlers themselves. Admittedly, some of them are quite hillarious. But much of the humour also comes from the referrees and the announcers, and I was able to notice this firsthand during the Rumble.
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