I pity da foo' who don't use 1-800 Collect!

As you could find out from reading my announcements page, Mr. T has recently been fightin' his toughest opponent since Rocky Balboa, skin cancer. However, even skin cancer is no match for the mighty Mr. T! After a couple of T's slow motion punches, the cancer was down for the count, leaving Mr. T standing victorious once again!* And it turns out that this whole cancer thing might also have been a shrewd business strategy because, as Mr. T himself put it, 'You've gotta have a set-back before you can have a come-back.' Now is apparently the time for Mr. T's come-back. Not only is he planning to become a force once more in the publishing industry, he's also started to appear in new commercials. As you may guess from the content of this quote, these commercials are mainly for 1-800 Collect, and they are perhaps the best commercials ever made. Apparently, there have been two commercials made with Mr. T, although I have only seen one. That one I saw, however, was more than enough to convince me not only that these commercials are hillarious, but also to use 1-800 Collect.

Since this week's quote actually comes from this commercial, I will now take the time to describe it in some detail. It begins with a bunch of little kids playing on some beach. At first, this appears to be just some sappy commercial with no real value, until the kids move away and you see that they've buried Mr. T up to his head in sand. Mr. T calls them 'crazy foo's', but then notices some woman going to make a call at a nearby phone-booth. Suddenly looking furious, he shouts, 'WHAT?!' and literally leaps from his sand prison to the phone. This is no easy feat! It would normally take ten men and three diggers two days to dig through all that packed sand! This is proof that Mr. T is still as all-powerful as ever. Meanwhile, Mr. T confronts the woman and 'convinces' her to use 1-800 Collect. He basically does this by calling the features of other phone companies 'Jibba-jabber'. The final scene in the commercial is perhaps the best of all. It features Mr. T reclining on the beach, when some beach bum with one of those metal detectors walks up. As could be expected, the metal detector starts going absolutely wild when it approaches the hundreds of gold chains around T's neck. Before the bum can get any ideas, Mr. T shouts, 'Don't even think about it, foo'!'

Although I have yet to see the other 1-800 Mr. T commercial, I'm sure it can't be anything but solid GOLD. Hopefully, these commercials will remind the world of Mr. T's incredible acting skills, and get him back into the filming circuit. If he can beat cancer, then he can surely beat the industry.

*-- It's absolutely true! Mr. T did indeed beat cancer. That Mr. T is sure helluva tough.

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