The Ghost Of Smokey Joe

This is, as you may already somehow know, another quote from a Cab Calloway song. It comes from The Ghost Of Smokey Joe, a song about, as it says, Smokey Joe who kicks the gong around. But man, when I die, I want a ZILLION dollar coffin. Because those things are FAST. Anyways, I made one of my characters for test battles of an RPG a fellow named Smokey. He used to be like a lumberjack brute who was really stupid, but lately he's become far more sophisticated. Now he wears a tweed suit and spectacles, and he bought a Zillion Dollar Coffin. See, the way the game's being played, people buy transportation to get a certain number of moves. Walking gives you 4 moves, a horse gives you 7. But one of the fastest vehicles is the Zillion Dollar coffin which gives 8 moves. Twice as much as walking! How does it do this? Because once you lie down in the Zillion Dollar Coffin, millions of people come and carry you where you want to go. Then, of course, they all flee.

Okay, so I want off on a bit of a tangent there. Oh well, that's quite alright. That's all there is to this quote. As usual, salute the all-powerful Cab Calloway. Finally, I'd like to mention that the person in the coffin featured in my picture is no one of consequence. It is NOT Smokey, Smokey Joe or even Cab Calloway. It's just some guy.

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