
That's right, this quote originates from Mr. Clean, the ridiculously muscled cleaner-in-a-bottle. I just find the whole premise of Mr. Clean amusing. I mean, some huge guy who cleans houses? Where does he get all those muscles? Certainly not doing any work. Mr. Clean also has a great name. Once, some friend of mine played a character named Mr. Clean. He wasn't clean though; he was very greasy and slimy. But all the same, Mr. Clean is certainly formidable, both physically..and..physically. I mean, he's gotta be pretty trim to fit in those bottles! Yet, at the same time, his muscles are huge. Also, he's really smooth. I mean, his head is smooth. It's so shiny and bald. That's a definite plus. If you ever need a mirror, all you gotta to do is look into his shiny head.

All that said, Mr. Clean may be strong, but he ain't the strongest! Check this awesome page out. It's pretty much the main reason why I wanted to put this quote up. Guess who won, folks! And by a long shot too. This reminds me of the cleaning agent war. During that struggle, I was vehemently opposed to Mr. Clean. I've gotta say, I still hold that opinion. He may be big; he may be bald; he may be shiny, but all the same, he's got NO LEGS!

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